Hey everyone, welcome to my recipe site, looking for the perfect Shredded chicken with black bean and veg noodles recipe? look no further! We provide you only the perfect Shredded chicken with black bean and veg noodles recipe here. We also have wide variety of recipes to try.

Shredded chicken with black bean and veg noodles
Shredded chicken with black bean and veg noodles

Before you jump to Shredded chicken with black bean and veg noodles recipe, you may want to read this short interesting healthy tips about Make Healthy Eating A Part of Your Day-To-Day Life.

Making the decision to eat healthily offers marvelous benefits and is becoming a more popular way of life. The overall economy is affected by the number of men and women who are suffering from health problems such as hypertension, which is directly associated with poor eating habits. There are more and more efforts to try to get us to follow a more healthy way of living and all the same it is also easier than ever to rely on fast, convenient food that is very bad for our health. In all probability, a lot of people think that it takes too much work to eat healthily and that they will need to drastically change their lifestyle. It is possible, however, to make several simple changes that can start to make a positive impact to our day-to-day eating habits.

You can make similar alterations with the oils that you use for cooking your food. Olive oil, for instance, contain monounsaturated fats which are basically good fats that battle the effects of bad cholesterol. It also has vitamin E which is beneficial for your skin, among other things. It may be that you already feel that you eat fruit and veggies but it can be worthwhile considering how fresh these are depending on where you buy these. If at all possible, buy organic produce that has not been sprayed with toxic chemicals. If you can find a good local supplier of fresh fruit and leafy greens, you can also eat foods that have not lost their nutrients as a result of storage or not being picked at the right time.

Evidently, it’s not at all hard to start incorporating healthy eating into your daily routine.

We hope you got benefit from reading it, now let’s go back to shredded chicken with black bean and veg noodles recipe. You can cook shredded chicken with black bean and veg noodles using 16 ingredients and 8 steps. Here is how you do that.

The ingredients needed to cook Shredded chicken with black bean and veg noodles:
  1. Get Left over roast chicken shredded
  2. Get 1 green pepper
  3. Provide 1 handful bean sprouts
  4. Provide 1 sml can water chestnuts
  5. Use 1 sml onion
  6. Get 1/2 bunch coriander
  7. You need For the black bean sauce
  8. Provide 2 lrg cloves garlic
  9. Use lrg thumb size piece of ginger
  10. Provide 3 spring onions
  11. Use 3 tbsp fermented black beans - mashed up
  12. Use 1 tbsp soy sauce
  13. You need 2 tbsp rice vinegar
  14. Use 200 ml chicken stock
  15. Take 1 tsp corn startch
  16. You need Serve with rice or noodles of choice and scatter with cashew nuts
Steps to make Shredded chicken with black bean and veg noodles:
  1. Firstly make your black bean sauce. You can buy fermented black beans online. take your fermented black beans cover in warm water and leave whilst you make the base for the sauce.
  2. In a pan heat your ginger, garlic and spring onions and cook for a few minutes. After you have done this uncover your beans and mash with a fork.
  3. Add the beans to the pan and add the wet ingrediants and reduced down for 10 mins.
  4. When the sauce has reduced down add your corn startch to thicken and set aside.
  5. In a serperate pan or wok, heat your onion and pepper and water chestnuts, cook for a few minutes, next add your leftover chicken and warm through.
  6. Add the rest of your ingrediants (excluding the coriander) including your black bean sauce and heat for a couple of mins.
  7. Add the coriander once the wok is off the heat and serve in bowls with either plain boiled rice or eggs noodles and scatterd cashew nuts
  8. . Enjoy x

Blanch the noodles according to the packet instructions. This stir fried chicken dish uses a simple and rich black bean sauce with tons of herbs to bring out the best flavor of the chicken. Today I want to introduce a super simple chicken stir fry recipe with a delicious sauce - black bean sauce. If you're wondering where the veggies and greens are, let me make a quick introduction. Related cold noodles with shredded chicken.

If you find this Shredded chicken with black bean and veg noodles recipe helpful please share it to your close friends or family, thank you and good luck.