Hey everyone, welcome to our recipe page, If you're looking for recipes idea to cook today, look no further! We provide you only the perfect Watermelon mojito shot recipe here. We also have wide variety of recipes to try.

Watermelon mojito shot
Watermelon mojito shot

Before you jump to Watermelon mojito shot recipe, you may want to read this short interesting healthy tips about Make Healthy Eating A Part of Your Daily Life.

The benefits of healthy eating are these days being given more publicity than ever before and there are many reasons for doing this. Poor diet is a contributing factor in diseases such as heart disease and hypertension which can put a drain on the economy. Wherever you look, people are encouraging you to live a healthier lifestyle but on the other hand, you are also being encouraged to rely on fast foods that can affect your health in a terrible way. In all probability, a lot of people assume that it takes a lot of work to eat healthily and that they will have to drastically alter their way of life. Contrary to that information, individuals can modify their eating habits for the better by making several modest changes.

You can make similar modifications with the oils that you use to cook your food. Olive oil is a monounsaturated fat which can help to lower bad cholesterol. It also is a good source of vitamin E which is great for your skin, among other things. It may be that you already feel that you eat fruit and veggies but it can be worthwhile considering how fresh these are depending on where you get these. Organic foods are an excellent choice and will reduce any possible exposure to harmful chemical substances. You can ensure that you’re getting the most nutritional benefits from your fresh produce if you can find a local supplier since you will be able to get the fruit when it is the freshest and ripest.

As you can see, it is not hard to start making healthy eating a part of your daily lifestyle.

We hope you got insight from reading it, now let’s go back to watermelon mojito shot recipe. You can have watermelon mojito shot using 8 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

The ingredients needed to make Watermelon mojito shot:
  1. You need 3 cups chopped watermelon
  2. Prepare 1 lime juice
  3. Prepare 1/ 2 tsp sugar
  4. Use Pinch black salt
  5. Prepare 1 tsp cumin seed powder
  6. Prepare 10 mint leaves
  7. Provide 1 Small piece of ginger
  8. Provide 1 cup Crushed ice
Instructions to make Watermelon mojito shot:
  1. In a blender,blend chopped watermelon, lime juice, sugar,black salt,cumin seed powder, mint leaves,ginger until smooth
  2. Take a glass and add crushed ice then add watermelon puree,some mint leaves and mix it well.
  3. Garnish with mint leaves and watermelon slice.Watermelon mojito is ready to serve.

The classic Mojito provides a great template for experimentation that can benefit from the addition of fruits, syrups and lengtheners. The Watermelon Mojito is a clear example of the drink's versatility. This easy riff on the classic comes from chef Chad Luethje. Frozen Watermelon Mojitos is the drink of summer! An adult-beverage speckled with mint, a hint of lime, watermelon simple syrup and incredibly refreshing icy watermelon.

If you find this Watermelon mojito shot recipe useful please share it to your friends or family, thank you and good luck.